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lost_planet_2 Mettiamo alla prova i nostri PC per Lost Planet 2

PESO: 955 MB

Oggi vi suggeriamo il download del benchmark per Lost Planet 2 che, dopo essere uscito su console, dovrebbe vedere la luce anche su PC. Il bench è composto da 2 test, i dettagli nel istruzioni unite al file (inglese) che proponiamo prima del link per il download:

Test A
The primary purpose of Test A is to give an indication of typical game play performance of the PC running Lost Planet 2. (i.e. if you can run Mode A smoothly, the game will be playable at a similar condition). In this test, the character’s motion is randomized to give a slightly different

Test B
The primary purpose of Test B is to push the PC to its limits and to evaluate the maximum performance of the PC. It utilizes many functions of Direct X11 resulting in a very performance-orientated, very demanding benchmark mode.